Certainty [video]

The wold is full of uncertainty. It’s up to business owners to break that down that and crate certainty.

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Transcript of video:

My name is Nick Leighton and for the next few minutes you are exactly where you want to be.

This is originally recorded September 1, 2020 for Facebook Live - uncut and uncensored.

Let’s talk about certainty

But first, let’s start by looking at the flip side = the Fear of the unknown

Who likes the fear of the unknown - who likes uncertainty? Well, business owners and entrepreneurs.

We’re different. We are unconventional.

If you have a problem, give it to an entrepreneur. We’ll rise to the challenge.

It won’t be conventional.

It might break the established process.

We may even have to go right up to the edges of - shall we say - conventional acceptance.

BUT, we WILL find a solution.

We thrive in this environment. If it’s never been done - we’ll do it.

Why are we hard wired this way? Because that’s how businesses are formed. That’s how innovators bring new products to market. That’s how we break down barriers.

OK - so who DOESN’T like uncertainty? Who despises the Fear of the unknown?


And that will probably include many of your customers, your team, your suppliers and many other stakeholders.

You see, there is a gap here. A certainty gap.

There are a lot of people (and they also may be your customers or your team) that are FREAKING out right now. Because the environment and the economy has changed. 

COVID-19 has changed a lot of things. It has brought uncertainty.

It doesn’t matter which side of the spectrum you are - feeling highly at risk or think it this virus doesn’t exist beyond political scaremongering - most people are steeped in uncertainty.

Oh, by the way, everyone else’s face mask protocol is just like other car drivers - they are either driving too fast or too slow.

So, with all this uncertainty swelling around - what do you think is one of the strategies we have to use as business owners to excel in today’s world? YES, we need to create certainty.

I will go further - it is actually your duty - as a business owner to create certainty.


There are two steps.

Step 1 - 

Simply get off the fence.

If you are ‘waiting’ for something before you make a decision. 

If you’re in a … we’ll do THIS, when THAT happens…

If you are a procrastinator.

If you fee like you can’t make a decision BECAUSE of COVID… then think again.

You HAVE to make a decision and move things forward.

I understand why business ground to a halt in March… but it’s been long enough now people.

Makes the decision on how your business will move forward TODAY

Step 2 - 


It’s been nearly 90 years since President Franklin D. Roosevelt used a series of “Fireside Chats” to engage the American public as it navigated big events like the Great Depression and World War II. Families huddled around their radios to hear their president’s broadcasts, which connected the White House to American homes in a brand new way.

Fast-forward to 2020 and while the technology behind those broadcasts has evolved significantly since the 1930s, the basic premise that drove them remains intact: people like to feel connected and they rely on helpful, supportive information to get them through difficult times. So while global pandemic has reduced our in-person connections, YOU  should be using technology to share valuable knowledge and education via modern-day Fireside Chats.  

It’s that simple.

If you have the false belief that you have to ‘wait and see’ - I want you to change that today.

Create certainty and communicate it.

Now it’s your turn. How can you create certainty and how best can you communicate it?

Post here – I would love to know.

If you found just one nugget of advice or inspiration in this quick video useful, then please do me a small favor - like and share.

Follow this page & join me next Tuesday - when we’ll take another look into Entrepreneurship and business ownership for today’s economy.

My name is Nick Leighton and I wish you passion, profit and happiness.