
Direct Mail in the 21st Century

You may have heard the myth that direct mail marketing is dead. However, with the multitude of emails we get on a daily basis, the truth is deliverables can have a greater impact now than ever before. Dave Szidik and Mark Zbylski of Proforma will quickly debunk this myth and explain how direct mail is very much alive and kicking, and well evolved to fit today’s fast paced, digital-based society. Learn how your business can benefit from incorporating direct mail in your marketing plan.

View recorded webinar here


Improve Your Phone Communications for Greater Customer Service

Everyone in your business is a salesperson and the impression – positive or negative – each person makes is an advertisement for your business. This can add up to hundreds or thousands of advertisements delivered each day. Watch to learn why your telephone attitude impacts the level of service you provide and how to achieve more positive and productive conversations when interacting with your valued customers. Presented by Jeannie Davis of Now Hear This Inc., an expert on phone communication for great customer service and brand building.

View recorded webinar here



Windows 10 is Here, is Your Business ready?

You have likely heard that Windows 10 has been released and is a free upgrade for your Windows 7 or 8 machine, but is your business ready for it? This new release is more than your average software upgrade, and there are a number of ways your business can be impacted by it; positively and negatively.

View the webinar as Nathan Womack of Outsource Locally,  goes over how the new operating system may impact your business as well as give an overview of the new features and how you can leverage them for your workflow.

View the recorded webinar here